Betta splendens, aka Siamese fighting fish, come from a huge type of fish.  These beautiful fish are more often than not very vivid in color, and are often approximately 2 to 3 inches mouth to tail.  Betta fish are part of the same family as gouramis and feature a ray fin.  Betta fish are sometimes referred to as Siamese fighting fish in reference to their aggressive actions towards other betta fish.  This is why male bettas are generally housed alone in their own aquarium. [ related site]

While keeping a betta aquarium, you have to be certain to include a few living plants there. Living plants use the potential to maintain the water atmosphere fresh. Thereby, the fishes can easily sustain a fresh and healthful existing. Actually, plants are also favored by the fishes for an additional reason. These plant life have extended leaves and the fishes utilize the the multiple. They enjoy to treat themselves when trying to play through these plants. Through the night, they often sleep between leaves of the plants and so, get nearer to the water surface area for their individual enhancement. [ click here for more]

Should you be thinking of betta breeding at this time then you definitely must be made conscious of the actual certainties. Breeding is an extremely good believed until finally and also unless of course that actually reaches a point involving complete annoyance and problems. To start with, you need to become sure about the aquarium partner that you're likely to set for the fish. Picking partners is a essential task. Once the incorrect companion will be selected, it could cause hostile clashes daily. 

The betta has a really different mating ritual.   betta spreads out his fans and flares his gills to try to impress the female.  The female betta fish actually get darker if she is excited.  Next, the male betta will build a nest from bubbles at the surface of the water.  The female betta fish then releases her eggs in the bubble nest who then fertilizes the eggs.  The male betta uses his mouth to accumulate the fertilized eggs and place them safe and sound into the bubble nest.  The fertilized eggs will remain in the safety of the bubble nest until they hatch and can swim on their own.

Bettas are a tenacious fish, and when taken care of acceptably, can become as old as six years or more.  With a proper habitat and quality food, you'll own a healthy and happy betta fish.  If you're searching for a highly rewarding fish to have, bettas are a wonderful one to go with.

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