Very nice of you to apologise. I am indeed on a journey of discovery, and I've discovered a lot in the last couple of days. I feel shattered. Better though. And it's all that bloody KrosRogue's doing. That man is scary. My husband has discovered some things too. i can't honestly see him wanting to spend much time on this site though, I mean there's not much on here about Frank Whittle or Isambard Kingdom Brunel or the Titanic or anything. My husband's interests are mainly practical, he excels at all manual skills (including the one beloved of many Taken In Hand members) but he doesn't go in much for talking about relationships etc. It's not his cup of tea. Give him a lathe and he's happy though.

by Louise C on 2004 Jun 28 - 16:18 | reply to this comment
That's not the picture I've gained from women here and elsewhere. They do achieve intervals of serenity, yes – longer or shorter, according to the temperament of the partners. But there always has to be hard work by the husbands to bring them to that state.

Oh Theo, you are so right! I would hate for the success of our Taken In Hand relationship to be based on a single moment a person might see of us. Sometimes those moments those moments would be of divine perfect bliss. But very often they'd show me struggling and MB's temper fraying.

Some women (myself at times) have trouble letting go of their need to control everything. MB's response to this is just take the decision away: he'll decide we're going away for a weekend, or out for a picnic, or a day in the garden, and then he'll organise us to that end. All the while he's looking after me and the things he knows I need to do to get to where he wants us. At that point in our relationship I feel enormously submissive.

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