100Cooper October 25, 2012 at 6:27 pm ” it seems that you universally dismissed feminism. It’s bad enough when men bitterly spout off about feminist women, but when women do it, it’s like a divided house that will fall.”

Lol, cause men aren’t ‘in the house’?

101Ion October 25, 2012 at 6:57 pm SouthAmerican?

“Again women did not always have rights to property and inheritance. ”

Reads like “at one point, women weren’t entitled to diamonds, Kleinfield Bridal, and riding ponys” as far as I’m concerned. Many of us didn’t have grandparents who could afford inheritance, or property to pass on, many people still don’t.


“Oh, this is a pet peeve of mine. American feminists refuse to condemn female genital mutilation because “we should respect other cultures.” Stoning for adultery, anyone? What hypocrisy.”

Totally agree. They also take a pro-crime stance, and refuse to convict men in high crime areas for any atrocities against poor women and children (children are usually props to incur sympathy about any issue they see fit to embrace, but “safety of children” is never thought of in this situation).

I.e. they are often out there petitioning that criminals be released early, and they are anti-cop. So it’s really only middle class american males they want to emasculate/hold “accountable” for behavior of men past and present. Not really men in general.

102Ion October 25, 2012 at 7:00 pm personally:

Chris Noth = masculine, high testosterone, super attractive.

Emo = “Twink”.

103A Definite Beta Guy October 25, 2012 at 7:26 pm Wow, that guy is attractive? I really can’t avoid laughing whenever I see his face.

“God…I’m just…so deep…the pain…the first world is so tough…ugh, see my scars!”

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